Church Location & Address:
Ozone Park Branch
89-12 101 Ave, Ozone Park, New York 11416
Woodhaven Branch
89-12 101 Ave, Ozone Park, New York 11416
Rochdale Queens Branch
134-30 Guy R Brewer Blvd, Rochdale, NY 11434
East New York Brooklyn Branch
(Sunday Worship @ Rochdale Branch at 3:00PM)
134 Guy R. Brewer Blvd., Rochdale, NY 11434
Shepherd’s House International
26 Adventure Road, Point Fortin, Trinidad and Tobago
Telephone & Fax: Tel: (718) 835-6327

Bishop Richard Vedilago (Ozone Park English)

Pastors Roberto and Nancy Seda
(Ozone Park Spanish Branch)

Pastors Emery and Stephanie Barber
(East NY Branch)

Pastors David and Allyson Mendez
(Rochdale Branch | SH International, Trinidad)

Pastor Raquel Miranda (Woodhaven Branch)